THE BASIC COURSE unfolds in a developmental progression, encompassing functional anatomy, precision ball work, vibrational release exercises, and hands-on partner work. The conscious practice of guided touch and contact actively engages students in the process of relationship and responsibility. In the partner work, you learn that communication is both “in your hands – and out of your hands.”
FACES is Body Dynamics from the neck up. This special, semi-private course includes physical work - individual and partner - as well as a unique and comprehensive telling of your Life Story.
Prerequisite: Basic Course.
Personalized programs / private sessions
Contact a teacher in your area (see TEACHERS)
To register for one-on-one or semi-private course work with Carol Reynolds: call 212.288.8380
FACES is Body Dynamics from the neck up. This special, semi-private course includes physical work - individual and partner - as well as a unique and comprehensive telling of your Life Story.
Prerequisite: Basic Course.
Personalized programs / private sessions
Contact a teacher in your area (see TEACHERS)
To register for one-on-one or semi-private course work with Carol Reynolds: call 212.288.8380